Friday, June 13, 2008

The Start of Something New

Today, I spent a few hours putting together the semblance of a website for the group that is forming within the next few days. 

Personally, I am nervous. I have the utmost confidence that Ballyhoo! will succeed, but the real fear comes from not knowing what will happen after. 

In other news, it is possible that one of my favorite presidential facts may not actually be true. Years ago, in middle school, William Howard Taft became a man of myth amongst my peers. Taft, the twenty-seventh President of the USA, was known for being obese. A little known fact of entertainment was that Taft had stuck his toe in a bathtub spigot, resulting in the phalanges of his foot getting caught, trapping Taft in a bathtub for some time.

Or, at least I think this happened.

As entertaining as this story is, the probability of its factuality is tainted by the discovery of the early internet. The now dead website,, acted in the capacity of presenting the viewers with utter absurdity. It had various running jokes, most of them dealing with Wilford Brimley, Charleton Heston, and, not surprisingly, William Howard Taft. 

My memory of that time is pretty hazy, however I remember much mockery of the 27th pres. I can't remember quite what they mocked him for, aside from his obesity, but with the little remembrance of it that exists leads me to wonder if maybe Taft's bathtub incident was nothing more than a joke. If this is the case, I will be admittedly disappointed. However, it is a blatant lesson in how history changes with time. 

Let it be known, "History" can be a dangerous thing, however is still utterly important. 

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