Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Journey Towards Cloud Consciousness

There will come a day when iPhone level tech become so pervasive that every child will be given a device upon birth. The device will then track the child's educational growth and adapt in both programming and hardware to match the child's maturity level. The data that the device records will follow the child into adulthood, acting as a lifetime resume, giving employers metrics regarding the individuals learning curve that will influence the hiring process.

The device will follow the individual into old age, acting as a companion and a caretaker, tracking things as common as an inventory of paper towels or toilet paper and automatically reordering before the individual runs out, to as specialized as mental and physical acuity, scheduling trips to the doctor when necessary.  Eventually, the device will act as the AI necessary to keep the individual's consciousness alive by transmitting all the knowledge the individual collected as well as patterns of curiousity and creativity based on algorithms into the ethereal web, forming a Cloud Consciousness, and allowing the next generation of DaVinci and Einstein to collaborate with the living over the course of centuries.

Toys like this are only the first step towards that future, and it will be beautiful. :)

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