First matter of business, Happy Valentine's. I know I'm late, sorry. I hope you all enjoyed your VD. ;) Also, happy b'day to my best bud, Dan. Check out his music.
Alright, so I'm doing another of these things. Forgive me. Especially since it gets kinda weird towards the end. However, expect something more original in about a week, plus a semi-regular posting a week after that. Yup yup...things are a'rollin' . :D
1. Open your music library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For the first question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button TWICE
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...just type it in, man!
Opening Credits: A Hard Days Night - The Beatles
Waking Up: The Greatest - Cat Power
First Day at School: Let's Dance (Bowie Cover) - The Futureheads
Falling in Love: Worms - Beth Orton
First Time: The End's Not Near - Band of Horses
Fight Song: Battle Without Honor - Tomoyasu Hotei
Breaking Up: Sabotage - Beastie Boys
Prom: Kicks - Paul Revere and The Raiders
Life: Living for the City - Stevie Wonder
Mental Breakdown: Crazy - The Kooks
Driving: If You're Into It - Flight of the Conchords
Flashback: Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain - Willie Nelson
Getting Back Together: Trains to Brazil - Guillemots
Wedding: Buddy Holly - Weezer
Birth of Child: Ramblin' Man - Isobel Cambell & Mark Lanegan
Final Battle: Everyday - Buddy Holly and the Crickets
Death Scene: Boom Boom - John Lee Hooker
Blood Roses
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