Since June, the majority of my free time has been spent training for the
2012 Northshore Inline Marathon and creating a deluge of art for
Halloween. However, having completed the marathon in September, and with Halloween wrapping up a few days ago, my nights and weekends have been rather aimless.
Until now...
Since 1994, I have been in a constant state of competition with
one man. Prior to our meeting, neither of us had peers we could classify as equal. Whether it be a feat of art, intellect, or sport, the two of us would fight tooth and nail to best the other. Now, 18 years later, nothing has changed.
So may I present an event of moderately epic proportions:
The following account contains moments of truth. Be warned.
- MARK: Hey man, want to go to a Burlesque Show?
- DAN: Gonna pass on that one. Wanna play some racquetball tomorrow?
- MARK: Sure, what time?
- DAN: Let's say noon.
- MARK: Sounds good!
The next day...
- MARK: So how much does it cost to play?
- GYM EMPLOYEE: $10 for a day pass, or $50 for a punch card.
- DAN: How many sessions are on the punch card?
- GYM EMPLOYEE: 10, plus you will get the first day free.
- MARK: That means we could play 11 matches of raquetball.
- DAN: That means you can lose 11 matches of raquetball.
- MARK: That sounds like a challenge.
- DAN: No, more like truth.
- GYM EMPLOYEE: *staring at computer screen*
- MARK: I bet I can beat you best out of 11.
- DAN: You're on.
- GYM EMPLOYEE: So you guys...want punch cards?
- DAN & MARK: *slamming down money* YES!
- MARK: *shaking Dan's hand* May the best man win.
- DAN: May the best man win. How do you play racquetball again?
Diagram of a Raquetball Court |
The winner will be determined by the best of 11 matches. The winner of each match is determined by the best of three sets. Each set consists of two 15 point games plus an 11 point tiebreaker if needed.
Points are earned when the serving player successfully ends the rally.
A rally begins when the serving player bounces the ball once in the service zone and commences with a successful serve that lands behind the receiving line.
A serve must hit the play wall, and is allowed to hit one additional side wall before landing behind the receiving line.
The receiving player may allow the ball to bounce once on the
floor or hit the ball on the fly. Once the receiving player has hit the ball, it must strike the front wall before striking
the floor. Unlike during the serve, a ball in play may touch as many
walls, including the ceiling, as necessary so long as it reaches the
front wall without striking the floor.
Should the receiving player end the rally, no points are earned and the receiving player now becomes the serving player.
Any disputes will be settled through a series of sub-competitions and/or outside arbitration.
The first player to win 6 matches is considered the winner. As part of the competition, the losing player must then make a piece of artwork (henceforth referred to as THE TROPHY) in the media chosen by the winner. The winner is then allowed to retain THE TROPHY upon completion. Should the loser not complete THE TROPHY within 30 days from the final match, the loser must forfeit $100 USD to the winner.
So far: Dan 1 - Mark 0
This early defeat is humbling. It looks like I'll have to retreat back to training and discover the secrets of racquetball.
Stay classy, and stay tuned!